AQP Flight Review Course: Prevention is NO Accident
See the AQP Grassroots MOVEMENT!
Half Day / 1-Day CourseA whole day dedicated to proficiency. 3 flights and 3 briefings. No pre-study required.
Your Airplane or MineBring your own airplane (single, twin, floats, or tailwheel) or use mine. I'll buy lunch.
Graduate with AQP ProficiencyEnd the afternoon with a feeling of confidence, a certificate of graduation, and a free hat. You'll get an FAA Flight Review, too.
1-Day Course: Start by 0800. Typically done before 1700. Lunch included. We may get done early depending on your proficiency. You
Plan of Action: Initial briefing. First flight to check your airmanship. Flight debrief. AQP ground lesson. Lunch. Flight briefing. AQP training flight. Flight debrief. Graduation flight and final debriefing. Price: $1000 in your airplane. $1300 in my airplane. I take Cash, check, Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal. You come to me. I'll go to your location for an additional charge. Half Day Course: Start by 0800. Typically done before lunch. We may get done early depending on your proficiency. You
Plan of Action: Initial briefing and ground review. First flight to check your airmanship and make corrections. Flight debrief. Graduation flight and final debriefing. Price: $500 in your airplane. $800 in my airplane. I take Cash, check, Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal. You come to me. I'll go to your location for an additional charge. |
About AQPPilot's aren't inventing new ways to kill themselves in an airplane. The same things that killed pilots years ago are still killing them today. Our goal is to reduce the number of fatal aviation accidents to ZERO by training pilots to PREVENT bad things from happening by BEING PREPARED and DISCIPLINED.
Thinking isn't an option when stuff hits the fan. You can only "do." The solution: Train yourself to DO the right thing every time without thinking. You'll not only be able to react properly when stuff happens, you'll learn to ANTICIPATE what's about to happen and take PREVENTATIVE ACTION ahead of time. |